Lynda com Outlook 2007 英文正式版(Outlook.2007: 高效率郵件管理教學)
Lynda最新出品的Outlook 2007: Effective Email Management. Outlook 2007: 有效
地進行郵件管理教程. 主講 Gini Courter 演示了 在Outlook 2007中提高和簡化Outlook
郵箱工作流程的許多技巧. 包括自定義視圖功能表、添加篩檢程式、創建和組織檔夾...............
主講:Gini Courter
In Outlook 2007: Effective Email Management, author Gini Courter demonstrates
techniques to streamline the Outlook mailbox workflow. The course covers strategies
for customizing views, adding filters, utilizing flags, and creating and organizing
folders. The course shows how to automate tasks as well as make effective use of the
Out of Office Assistant.
Topics include: 教學要點包括
* Viewing messages by conversation
* Flagging messages
* Understanding flags and the To Do list
* Sorting and filtering email
* Creating a search folder
* Creating email rules
* Using the Out of Office Assistant